Church Services and COVID-19

Church Services and COVID-19

To the members, family and friends of Christ Our Savior – LCMS in Harvey, LA

Will have church service starting Sunday May 18, 2020.

 While it is great to be back together, we do want everyone to continue to be safe.  It is our constitutional right to practice our religion as we see fit, yet out of care and concern for those who are of higher risk we will as best we can adhere to the guidelines given by our government during this pandemic.  This means we will limit contact between persons, observe the 6 foot distancing from others not in our own household or family groups as best as we can, wash hands and use sanitizers to ensure clean hands, etc.  Some things will, for now, be done a little differently.  These changes should not be permanent but out of love for our neighbors they are necessary.   

Should I come to church or not? If you have a fever or are sick, please stay home.  If you are high risk or elderly as your pastor I will not burden your conscience, it is ok if at this time you chose not to come but you are encouraged to continue hearing the Word and joining with us online as we broadcast the service.    

What new practices can you expect? Sanitizing the building – for now we are covered but you may be asked to help with cleaning and sanitizing the building.  This will be done before each service. 

Entering and Exiting the building when you come as you enter and when you leave, we ask that you sanitize your hands. Sanitizer will be provided at the door. Also, at this time, I ask that you please refrain from hand shanking etc. until this pandemic has passed. You are asked to enter and go directly to your seat. 

Seating You may or may not get to sit in “your” pew. An elder may seat you or ask you to move to another pew if necessary, for space to be observed.  Households and family groups may sit together. If you have been together or regularly are around others those are the people in your household/family group. This means if you have 1 or 2 or 17 in your house you sit together or alone as the case may be. In the case of individuals, they can sit 6 feet apart from others.  The general rule is that we will skip a pew between groups or individuals. 

Offerings Online giving is encouraged. Visit our website and follow the link to donate online.  Once you initially set it up it is easy to use.  If you being an offering/tithe/gift there will be an offering plate in the back where it can be placed by you as you enter or leave the sanctuary 

Communion Preparation – the elders prepare communion at this time I they will wear masks and gloves as they prepare the vessels and bread and wine to be used for Holy Communion. 

Communion what the pastor will do Pastor will wash/sanitize his hands before communion and after each family group. He will wear a mask during distribution. 

Communion for those who need assistance – Remain in your pew. Pastor will come to you. If possible, please sit toward the center aisle. 

Communion For those who will receive the Body and Blood of Christ we will not be going to the rail but you will be ushered to the left side of the church to come up by family group or smaller groups as space allows.  If you can please sanitize your hands before or as you walk up.  When the elder or user directs you please file in to the right side of the bottom step where pastor will serve you. I ask that you put out your hands and the host will be dropped to you. Individual cups spaced on a tray will be offered, take one and wait, I will then come by with the chalice for those who desire it, as the cup passes you I will speak the words of Christ, and you may drink. Cups will be gathered and you will be dismissed. Then the next group will be invited up. You may then exit the right aisle to walk around to your seat. Communion may take longer but don’t worry we are receiving the Body and Blood of Christ together and that is a wonderful thing. 

End of Service I know most of you love to talk and hug and kiss and greet each other.  But I kindly ask you to immediately leave the building after any announcements.  If you want to talk and visit weather permitting do it outside as long as you wish in the open air and sunshine keeping your distance.  

Online Service will continue for now.  

PSA You are being filmed. You won’t miss noticing the camera setup partially in the center aisle and the microphone in the pew.  Please be aware of the camera and mic as services will be recorded and posted to Facebook and/or YouTube.  Videos will also be linked on our website  Please be careful if you have to walk past it.  I think that is all for now. As I said these changes should be temporary until we get this pandemic figured out or it comes to an end.  But even with these procedural changes we still rejoice because we can at least come together in one place in the presence of each other again. 

The Lord be with you.   Rev. Brandon J. Simoneaux